Howtostirfryconchclams1 Sauteonion,gingerandgarlic Continue readingHow to stir-fry conch clams
How to mix walnuts with lilies
1Walnutsareskinlesswalnutswiththeinnerskinremoved Continue readingHow to mix walnuts with lilies
Should I use warm or cold water for steamed eggs with minced meat?
Firstpreparetheingredientsyouwillneed:3eggs200gmin Continue readingShould I use warm or cold water for steamed eggs with minced meat?
How to make leek, egg and shrimp skin pancakes
Howtomakeleek,eggandshrimppancakes1 Fermentedflour Continue readingHow to make leek, egg and shrimp skin pancakes
How to make fried meat with soybean sprouts
Howtomakefriedmeatwithsoybeansprouts1 Washtheporkb Continue readingHow to make fried meat with soybean sprouts