How to steam shredded carrots

How to steam shredded carrots

  • Illustration of how to make steamed carrot shreds 1

    1.Peel carrots

  • Illustration of how to steam shredded carrots 2

    2.Cut into thin strips

  • Illustration of steamed carrot shreds 3

    3.Put appropriate amount of salt and marinate for about 20 minutes

  • Illustration of how to make steamed carrot shreds 4

    4.Pump out the pickled carrot water

  • Illustration of how to steam shredded carrots 5

    5.Sprinkle flour evenly so that every carrot shred is covered with flour

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  • Illustration of how to steam shredded carrots 6

    6. Boil water and steam in a pot

  • Illustration of steamed carrot shreds 7

    7.Cover the pot and steam for 6 minutes

  • Steamed carrot shreds Illustration of how to do it 8

    8.Carve a few carrot flowers for decoration

  • Illustration of how to make steamed carrot shreds 9

    9.It will be steamed in 6 minutes

  • Steamed carrotsIllustrations of how to make silk 10

    10.Put it in a basin and wait for it to cool naturally, add pepper and sesame oil, shake it up with chopsticks and serve on a plate

  •  Illustration of how to make steamed shredded carrots 11

    11. Ingredients: chili oil, balsamic vinegar, light soy sauce, minced garlic, coriander and sesame oil. It’s delicious when eaten with the toppings.